Saturday, December 31, 2005

Maastricht Marsupial Changes All

MORAGA - The recent discovery of a 66-million-year-old marsupial tooth in the Netherlands provides fresh proof that a land bridge connected the North American and European continents during the age of dinosaurs.

"Judd Case, dean of science at St. Mary's College, holds up a replica (the black objects) of a tiny 66-million year old marsupial tooth at the school in Moraga." -- ( Tue Nam Ton/Times )

St. Mary's College dean of science Judd Case and his colleague James Martin say the 2-millimeter fossil, which belongs to a newly discovered, extinct species similar to an opossum, suggests that dinosaurs and small marsupials not only lived in Europe at the same time, but also traveled the same trans-Atlantic migration route from South Dakota to the Netherlands.

"Wow," said Case. "It changes what we know."

Read full article

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