Thursday, December 22, 2005

Kong is King

I’m no good at summing up movies, but here it goes anyway. Let me also add that I am only commenting on certain parts, particularly those I either liked or those that I liked versus those who didn't.

The original 1933 "wrestling match" between Kong and the T. rex...

King Kong was an excellent homage to its 1993 original. The casting I thought was fairly well done once I saw the movie from start to finish, though I never really doubted Peter Jackson’s ability to make me feel as if these characters were the real deal. I was too preoccupied with my drink and source of sweets to be overcomed by the long screening time (something that seemed to bother a lot of people).

I liked the film very much as a film, because that’s what it is. When the concept of motion pictures first stuck the entertainment industry, was it not their initial goal to do just that—entertain an audience? I leave with one comment for those who found this flick and major flop: The profits say otherwise. All hail Kong!

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